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6 Stainless Steel Infrastructures Around The World

Here at Midway Metals we love seeing stainless steel come to life, whether it is used for art sculptures, architectural purposes or heavy engineering. Here is a pick of some inspirational constructions.


Surfers Paradise Sign

Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia. Source: tripadvisor.com


Walt Disney Concert Hall

Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles, United States. Source: e-architect.co.uk


Cloud Gate

Cloud Gate – “The Bean”, Chicago, United States. Source: rangetraveler.com


‘RUN’, Olympic Park

‘RUN’, Olympic Park, London Olympics 2012, United Kingdom. Source: nsalloys.com


Elevator B,

Elevator B, Skyscraper for bees, Silo City, United States. Source: evolo.us


Municipality Building

Municipality Building, Lazika, Georgia. Source: marvelbuilding.com